New LSL scripting classes are starting at Kitely grid on Opensim. Whether you think of yourself as a beginner or intermediate scripter, you are bound to learn something new from experienced long-time scripters Kayaker Magic and Mike Lorrey. Classes accessible via hypergrid. All times are Pacific time.
Beginning LSL Scripting with Mike Lorrey
Lesson 1
Nov. 19, 11 am
Students will learn the basics of scripting, the structure of scripts, the purposes and distinctions of and between states, events, functions, different types of data that scripts can handle. This is the grounding that enables the student to understand scripting better.
Nov. 26, 11 am
Prim Media versus Land Media
Dec. 3, 11 am
Say It The Right Way: messaging and strings
Dec. 10, 11 am
Intermediate Scripting with Kayaker Magic
Kayaker Magic is teaching intermediate scripting classes at the Panthalassa region on Kitely. Kayaker is one of the most respected and experienced scripters in Opensim. His classes are on Wednesday mornings and Friday evenings for now. Check the Kitely Calendar for details. Upcoming classes will include topics like animating with smooth motion and thinking in rotations.