By Freda Frostbite
I know June is only one day shorter than most other months but it seems to be flying by and I find myself facing the deadline for writing next month’s newsletter. Wow.
There is news to report. Lots of news. Let’s start with Babble Journal of Art and Literature. The Journal is being compiled inworld and is available for all to see and read as it grows. It includes works by metaverse authors, poets and artists. You can find copies of the journal in progress at the offices of Babble Publishing and in Babble Café and Books in Kitely. Stop by anytime to read what’s new. We add to the journal weekly. Arts Center
The cast for Mothers’ Days, which will be the first production offered at The Babble Box Theater in October, has been mostly selected. We still seek one actor, male, for a very minor role and a narrator (male or female). If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact Freda Frostbite.
The theater itself is under construction by master builder, Don Smith and is coming along remarkably well. Don comes to Kitely after a lengthy hiatus from virtual worlds. We are so glad to have him with us and building like mad in Kitely.
Babble Arts Center also includes buildings by Brayla Sana and Beverly Zauberflote. Brayla Sana’s buildings contain the offices and part of the illustrations studio for Babble Publishing as well as Babble Café and Books, which includes The Writers’ Studio. Beverly Zauberflote’s builds will hold Ian Lee Patton’s Opensim Art Gallery and BabelOn! Nights Cabaret and Night Club both to open later this year.
There will be several special events this month, along with the usual recurring ones. Look for announcements about costume themed dances to be held on Thursdays. I hope you’ll also drop by Frostbite Thane in Kitely to see an exhibit of work by Colombian artist, Fernando Botero. Read on for the gritty details on events.
9:30 AM Grid Time: WRITERS’ CHAT
Babble Cafe and Books at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
Writers of all genres are invited to this open discussion of all things writerly.
In local text chat.
10:30 AM Grid Time: FICTION TO GO (1st and 3rd Sundays)
Writers’ Studio at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
We’ll gather weekly and then explore literature and writing together. Each week we will write (very) short fiction based on fun and inspiring prompts. Each week, Freda will explain the guidelines and we’ll have fun writing and sharing. Please have voice enabled so that you can hear that explanation. Adults only because I have no intention of censoring what anyone is inspired to write or share.**
**Participants will have the opportunity to have their writings included in the first edition of OS Babble Zine.
10:30 AM Grid Time: QUICKY POETRY (2nd and 4th Sundays)
Writers’ Studio at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
Fun and fast poetry creation session. Using various prompts and guidelines, those gathered will create new poems each week. I promise, this really IS fun! Please have voice enabled so that you can hear each week’s poem plan. Adults only because I have no intention of censoring what anyone is inspired to write or share.**
**Participants will have the opportunity to have their writings included in the first edition of OS Babble Zine.
2:30 PM Grid Time: BABBLE OPEN MIC
Babble Café and Books at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
Come to sing or play song, tell a story, read a poem. Dance for us, perform a play, tell us jokes. If you can do it in local voice on a moderate sim, we want you to do it for us. Stream can be made available. Just ask Freda.
Have voice enabled to perform or listen.
3:30 PM Grid Time: FREDA IN PROGRESS at Babble Café
Babble Café and Books at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
In July, Freda will read selections from Ermengarde The Expansive and The Rhinolope Rebellion.
Have voice enabled to hear the tale told.
Freda’s Fantasy Mountain at Frostbite Thane, Kitely Thane
Fairy tale time (traditional and not so much) at Frostbite Thane. All are welcome to attend. Please have voice enabled so that you can hear the stories. In July: Tales From The Brothers Grimm
At the landing, click the TP pad and choose “Fairy House” from the pop-up menu. Then click the TP pad again to teleport.
Freda’s Place at Frostbite Thane, Kitely Thane
Join us at 2 pm PT for an enjoyable hour or so of good company and conversation (voice and text).
Everyone is welcome — hypergridders and residents alike.
6:00 PM Grid Time: HUMP DAY HAPPY HOUR (Beginning July 13)
Words and Music Gallery of Poetry and Sound at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
Conversation in local text, streamed music, Poetical Art and Artful Poetry, champagne, dancing.
Semi-formal attire.
All Welcome.
Locations vary as do themes. Watch inworld notices for details.
Costumes, Prizes, music, dancing, conversation.
Costume Attire. All Welcome.
6:00 PM Grid Time: THE PAINTINGS OF FERNANDO BOTERO Exhibit Opening (July 1 Only)
Arizona (Big House) at Frostbite Thane, Kitely Thane
An exhibit of art by Columbian painter and sculptor, Fernando Botero. Click the paintings and books, watch the videos, to learn more about the famed artist and his work. This show will hang through August before being replaced.
6:00 PM Grid Time: PROMPTLY EROTIC (2nd Fridays Only)
Writers’ Studio at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center
Join us for this Adults only writing session. Using a variety of visual, verbal and sound cues, we’ll spend an hour playing word and writing games and creating very short erotic fiction or poetry. BAC is generally a Moderate region, but it will be set to Adult for this event. Please have voice enabled so that you can hear and participate.
Participants will have the opportunity to have their writings included in the first edition of OS Babble Zine
Please note that Freda recently put a new gift in the group dispensers on her lands. Visit Frodtbite Thane or Babble Arts Center to get your present!