Community developments
Builder’s Guild Rebooted!
Events At Frostbite Thane World (formerly known as Freda’s Place)
_____________________________________________________A special request from Freda
RezMela Show & Tell
Monentes Jewelry

Did you know?
FYI: OpenSim (also known as OpenSimulator) is open–source software for the creation of virtual worlds that can be run on your PC or hosted remotely as with the Kitely.com commercial grid. Worlds in Kitely and beyond are optionally networked via the Hypergrid. They are accessed via dedicated browsers such as Firestorm. Content can be created inworld or imported as mesh models. It can be scripted in LSL which is substantially compatible with the language used in Second Life (TM). Objects can display web content and access external web servers via LSL scripts. Subject to permissions being set, content may be exchanged with other avatars and can be sold either inworld or, for example, on the web-based Kitely Market which delivers inworld to more than 100 non-Kitely grids.
World’s End
Date for your diary: August to be History Month!

New World: Sam
New Vendor: FlexTech
Hypergrid visit: Nautilus
TiddlyWiki for a MOAP-based HUD: Part 1
- TiddlyWiki is fantastic BUT esoteric and occasionally fragile so (i) read the instructions on tiddlywiki.com BEFORE starting to edit, and (ii) backup very frequently;
- TiddlySpot is a simple way to make your wikis available BUT security is limited so don’t use it to store valuable or personal data. It also requires Chrome (which handily is supported by the CEF-enabled MOAP). Note also that TiddlyWiki is single-user and can also be run in multi-page format using node.js.